Frequently Asked Questions


Here is a selection of questions and answers to help explain how we work and how we can help your organisation.

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Where do you operate and who do you work with?

A: We work with charities and social enterprises (CIOs and CICs) based all over the UK and we access funding for them from UK as well as European sources. Our head office is on the outskirts of London, in Waltham Cross, Hertfordshire and we have a further office in Armagh, Northern Ireland. 

Q: Is your service confidential?

A: Yes. All data is treated in the strictest of confidence and our valued clients are never named without their expressed permission. Today’s highly competitive funding climate means many of our clients require absolute confidentiality and we offer every client the same privilege.

Q: What are your fees?

A: Having worked successfully in fundraising for 15 years, we have learnt that providing our services for a set monthly fee is the simplest and most cost effective way of providing a high quality, affordable service. As well as providing excellent value for money, this model means a charity can budget for our expertise and not face the fluctuating costs of third party consultants charging high ‘daily’ rates with no vested interest in the outcome of their fundraising. 

Q: What is your success rate?

A: We work at a pace that that suits our clients and we are motivated to provide the very best Return on Investment using our fee model. There are no guarantees in fundraising, but, being a niche, expertly staffed fundraising company we are able to choose our prospective clients and only take on those whom we are certain of being able to raise substantial income for. In 2018, our average Return on Investment for clients reached over £15 for every £1 spent on our services, equating to a 1400% return for our clients.

Our success speaks for itself. 

Q: Do you work on a commission basis?

A: No, for a number of reasons our professional body, the Institute of Fundraising strongly recommends against commission-only fundraising. 

Q: Our statutory/local council funding has recently been cut. Are you able to assist us either in securing it again or in finding alternatives?

A: This is at the heart of what we aim to achieve for many clients, whether you are looking to sustain the current services in difficult circumstances or expand upon them.

Q: What experience do you have?

A: Our team members come from various backgrounds; but all have worked with and for the statutory sector and 100s of charitable organisations in the past. Our long history means we have nurtured relationships with many of the UKs leading grant providers. Importantly, we also work closely with Local Authorities and Clinical Commissioning Groups regarding commissioning protocols and best practice.

Q: Do you offer a Bid Writing Service?

A: Yes, but our service provides so much more. As well as sourcing the best funders for your needs, we assist a charity in being ‘ready to receive’ by ensuring you have all the necessary protocols in place to satisfy funders’ expectations in advance. We will also walk you through any necessary processes in advance. Our writing services then ensure you gain the very best chance of securing funding from grant makers and commissioners whom we are in constant contact with for our select pool of clients. 

Q: Can you provide references?

A: Yes, references are provided following an initial consultation or meeting. This allows us to provide the most relevant referees for a charity.

We are also corporate supporters of the Institute of Fundraising.

If you have any further questions, please Contact Us.